
OMG that joke was so funny! Actually it isn't funny and never was funny. No one is trying to compensate for dick size with a lifted truck. If anyone is doing that it's ricers or people with annoying exhaust systems that sound horrible. At least I know I'm not compensating for anything with my truck. Having a lifted

Agreed. I wouldn't go on a road trip these days without some kind of GPS, whether an actual unit or a phone. Plus, I'm pretty sure most, if not all, come with car chargers these days so idk how it would "run out of battery". At least I know the TomTom I bought my parents 4 years ago did.

I'm pretty sure I've seen more negative views on here about the new Cherokee then positive so idk where you got the idea that "we" generally like it. You'd have to be an idiot to even think of buying that thing. If I saw one on the road I would probably crash from seeing it's hideous face.

All these concepts are pointless as Jeep people will just buy the stock jeep and modify it better and cheaper to their liking. They do look awesome though.

The average person? No. Because the average person these days is a complete moron. A person who actually understands vehicles and their capabilites and utilizes them rather then just throwing money at something to make it easier on them? Yes, it can be a better choice. I'm just saying if I was in an accident (knock on

Mass media just needs to fill time which is pointless in my opinion. If there's nothing to report go off air and save some money but don't report the same thing every 5 minutes for 6 hours. It's why I can't watch national news for more then 10 minutes these days.

Uhh it's called a tonneau cover and a lockable tailgate. And if you need more height wise you can get a bed cap. Done.

Ok lets have my truck rear end your car and then have your car rear end my truck. Both times I'll have less damage and less injury. That's not even getting into side collision where you would more then likely die where as I wouldn't. Bigger means more car to absorb damage around me (also my truck is taller so less car

Way to take things seriously bud. You win the big boy award for today. Hat tip to you!

I was obviously joking. I know why people have cars lol.

I've seen plenty of guys on my forum post pictures of accidents they've been in and all have been able to walk away no matter where the truck was hit, including the drivers side. Trucks are also higher up so even with a driver side collision a car would hit the driver directly. Maybe their legs and hips at most. In my

Uhh I would rather be in a collision in a truck then a car. I guarantee if we both had an accident at 50mph I would walk away and you would not. Handling I'll give you but the average person doesn't give two shits about handling. Economy of trucks is slowly being improved but because most R&D goes into worthless cars

I don't get why people are crazy over cars in general. Trucks are the best of both worlds. Haul AND tow tons of stuff and you have room for 6 and you can go offorad. The only vehicle you ever need.

False. My GF knows I love my truck more then her (in a figurative way of course) and she accepts that and loves my truck as well. Your love of your car can most definitely help you get ladies. I know plenty of girls that have told me they love my truck because it's lifted and because I love it I modified it and lifted

A jeep isn't technically an "off road truck". Jeeps are a category of their own. You don't say "I have a truck", you say "I have a Jeep"

No off road trucks? Disappointed. There should have been more trucks in this and not street trucks.

Agreed. The GF loves my truck as well.

Pulls the dudes, but not the ladies lol.

5.9L Cummins Turbo Diesel in the 2nd and mostly 3rd Generation Dodge Ram Heavy Duties. Best engine/truck combo to ever exsist on this planet.

My vote is for something that many cars these days do have but not ALL of them. Lockable fuel filler flaps. With gas prices on a constant rise I can see siphoning gas to be a common issue in the very near future and my truck didn't come with one standard. I know I can buy one aftermarket but it should be standard on