
The moment you used the term “SJW” unironically I knew you weren’t worth taking seriously, but this:

holy shit lmao what a brain genius post. mods caused sjws, sjws caused death of the western world

HAHAHAHA, this is a work of beautiful performance art

I don’t know, maybe you were just an asshole and got used to the wild wild west of online behavior and once you were called on it you didn’t like the fact someone called you out on your assholeness.

I’ve been around the internet and a few times been banned from this forum or that. Sometimes I quickly realized it was

The term “SJW” still says so much more about the person using it than who they’re describing.

lol, because everyone on discussions forums is left wing?  You’re being ridiculous.

Haven’t we seen that approach create a whole new slew of issues though?

Virtue signaling as a term has been abused to the point of meaninglessness and is now used only by shitheads, but the actual act is absolutely a real thing that happens, continuously and obnoxiously. We are jerking ourselves off into oblivion.

This sounds a lot like what people mean when they say “virtue signalling,” as toxic as that phrase has become

For the record, the track Hotel California” is not on that greatest hits of 1971-1975 as it was released in 1976.

There’s is something kind of hilarious about commentators on Jezebel not being able to accept that a woman can be every bit the villain as a man.

Asia also supported Polanski and backtracked hard. So I’m sure he knew. And I think they also knew about Rose Mcgowan and how she defended Victora Salva, a child rapist, publicly because it was alll the tweets they got. I suppose they just ignored them because people can be victims and hypocrites, and they only

Rose Mcgowan has been constantly accused of publicly defending a child rapist, Victor Salva. People have been asking her about it every day on Twitter for almost a year now, and she ignores them. When I brought it up on Jezebel I got so many hate messages I had to go off the grid for months. Because people think

Am I the only one disturbed that nearly the entire first half of this article is made up of supportive quotes by friends and colleagues of the alleged abuser, including claims the alleged victim is lying, and his testimony is buried near the bottom? Why isn’t his story centered in this article? There is NOTHING about

Very true, but let’s play devil’s advocate and assume Honeyfoot’s account of this guy is spot on, and he’s just a creep. So what? Not all abuse victims are pleasant people. It isn’t just the saintly who get abused. Even bullies can be assaulted.

Yup. This line really says it all to me: ‘“People know that she is very friendly and open and crosses traditional boundaries in relationships with her students,””

Yup. I’m also v tired of the “—of Jewish heritage—” shit casually thrown in there. Like, who gives a flying fuck about your heritage, not sure how it’s germane to possible sexual harassment, etc.

Seems pretty straightforward: we are to make of it what we’d make of any academic sending emails that are transparently sexual harassment. I'll be goddamned if I'm not gonna say anything about all the "but she was a good professor!" whining. She obviously wasn't THAT good if she was sending those emails and her best