Also, when we first got the internet in our homes and we began chatting with folks online, it was going to make everyone an antisocial weirdo. And look at us 25 years later!
Also, when we first got the internet in our homes and we began chatting with folks online, it was going to make everyone an antisocial weirdo. And look at us 25 years later!
10 out of 10 will watch. I couldn’t help but sense a little Westworld parody? Also, someone help, it sounded a LITTLE like m83's My Tears Are Becoming a Sea? Could just be wishful thinking. Every trailer should have that song.
I don’t think it’s particularly surprising that Michigan’s 2016 Democratic primary voters went for Bernie and then the state as a whole went for Trump in the general. 2016 was The Year of the Populist and the whole Hillary Clinton/DNC campaign was The Establishment Strikes Back.
Go away, please.
and very likely it was higher quality than a significant portion of the existing games on steam.
I don’t know. I don’t see him as an emotional abuser but more as an asshole drunk/druggie that doesn’t give a shit about who he hurts. Like abusers are cunning and know they are gaslighting but Depp does it because he prefers to be drunk or high. Maybe it doesn’t matter when the result is the same.
Abuse is abuse no matter who is the perpetrator. Hitting someone who is fucked up (I DO NOT believe for a second that if she did hit him he was not high, cus that douche doesn’t look like he’s been clear headed for years) is extra messed up. My mom used to hot my dad when he was shitfaced. It is not ok under any…
Domestic violence is wrong no matter who commits it.
I’m sure the Star Wars stans will come for me, but the Last Jedi was dumb. It was also the first Star Wars movie I’d seen since Return of the Jedi when I was a kid, so I’m probably not in the key demo for the film, but whatever, it was dumb.
I believe you, but once in college I had to explain to a friend that porn was people actually having sex with one another, not just pretending, which she thought wasn’t how it worked, because, “That’s illegal!”
Yea it’s pretty discouraging. Dota 2 is one of my favorite games and it felt like the pro scene was on a good trajectory four or five years ago, but Valve never took on the responsibility of building out the kinds of support structure and sustainable institutions necessary to make it feel healthy and growing.
In a lot…
Henry Cavill is a legitimate action star!!!! How did Justice League fuck up Superman so badly!!! I’m angry all over again!!!!
Next time I stub my toe on a piece of furniture, I’ll scream “ASSOCIATE” and see if that makes me feel any better.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more hybrids between the two species ― they do associate quite regularly,” Robin Baird, a biologist with the research group, told HuffPost.
When a crocodile clamped down on her leg and began to drag her earlier this year, Melissa Cristina Márquez performed…