
I apologize for being rude in my responses. I’m not quite as caught up with online dog-whistle slang as I should be and I can see why my comment would be seen as suspicious. I should have phrased it better.

Of all the things one can accuse me of, anti-globalized is the last. I genuinely don’t see how you read that from my one line comment, but I don’t expect any charitable reading from anyone on the internet. Especially not from Americans.

I found it interesting purely because Eastern European inspired myths in popular media tend to be super white. I know there were Indian trading goods in Scandinavia routing through the Urals. In fact, some Norse viking glass beads were recently found near my hometown in Bangladesh, which used to be a major trading

Hmm, maybe someone more familiar with the franchise can tell why Dracula’s generals are all so ... globalized?

Now playing

Another fantastic animation was this Mastcam imagery of Yellowknife Bay, projected onto Sol 133 Navcam meshes:

Maybe Able Archer 83 goes out of control somehow? Or maybe something with the Severomorsk Disaster, which is suitably mysterious enough to involve metahumans? I know ‘84 was a landmark year in South Asia but I doubt Wonder Woman is making her way there.

At the moment that’s limited to apps produced by Microsoft itself, but that’s more than enough to share images of Shrek with coworkers.

China (CNSA) is also planning a sample return mission in and around 2028: has given me so many hours of entertainment. I wish google bought it out just to polish the game to perfection...

Now playing

Everyone should have a favourite fan edit of Jurassic Park. It’s the Voight-Kampff test of our time! This CGI-less version would be mine:

I was wondering what kind of practical statistical tests they performed to test randomness, other than the actual conceit of it. I thought something like Kolmogorov-Smirnovor or Diehard but no. this is what they use:

Apparently there was a bidding war and Apple nabbed Foundation:

This, in conjunction with the news that Apple is working on a Foundations (by Isaac Asimov) series, means that that all the epic fantasy from my childhood can finally be seen on big-budget screens. I am pleased.

You know what I’d love to see? More D&D inspired monster hybrids!

Fascinating! Do you mean the waru waru technique?

I love the myriad different ways people in the ancient days used to keep food (and other perishables) cold. The step wells in India are a personal favourite!

Do the original series still hold up? I’m kinda iffy on the whole mecha concept, since the only two I saw (RahXephon and the Evangelion 1.0 movie) were two esoteric for me understand much of anything...

Good to see art from Kashmir that is not politicized to death!

This wins, hands down.

This is fantastic! We’ll finally have close-to-perfect facial recognition tech for non-white people.