I was fine until Buxton popped on to thank everybody, and then I was just sad.
I was fine until Buxton popped on to thank everybody, and then I was just sad.
*cut to two weeks from now when everyone has everything unlocked and are complaining about the game’s lack of progression*
The idea that you have to play the game to unlock more is a basic tenet of... all video games. But especially fighting games or FPS. If everything was unlocked from the beginning, then what’s the point? So, I think there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. We’ll see how this turns out.
This, 100%. The fact that Luke and Rey are behind a paywall but Bounty Hunter Yoshi is available from the start is completely ass-backwards (and I say that as one of the five people who actually know who Bossk is other than “The Lizard Guy standing next to Boba Fett in that one scene in Empire”.
The thing is, the people buying the games aren’t normally the people doing the complaining. Most of those going out to buy the game aren’t even aware that there’s something for them to vote on, they just saw an advertised Star Wars game that looks fun and they decided to buy it for themselves or as a gift.
I’m buying the game for single player and bot modes. I can ignore loot crates and won’t buy them. The game can still be enjoyed, just don’t reward the predatory parts of it that ask for additional money.
Blizzcon always makes me jones for WoW, but I just can’t free up enough time to justify a subscription. I just wish there was a way to reasonably farm gold to do the WoW Token thing.
I’ll say it: I like Taylor Swift. I like this persona. I like that she’s taking the snake thing on. You fuck up IRL and everyone find outs and calls you out on it — own it. They just gave you new material for your next era.
The people defending her get it. The endless comments talking about how “over her” they are, not so much. Taylor Swift seems to be the epitome of “have fun with your thinkpieces, but I’m laughing all the way to the bank” and although an unpopular opinion, I LOVE her for it. Also, the author is and has repeatedly…
You are the people who repeatedly and continuously have taken a sht on everybody’s right of free speech, continuously, non stop inventing terms to go around and silence them, such as hate speech. Because if its offensive to you or just dont like it, it should be silenced.
Your interpretation (or willfull ignorance/twisting) of this policy is just plain silly. Free speech and right to peacefully protest are guaranteed to us all under the first amendment. The people who take that peaceful act and turn it into a rancorous and ignorant one in order to block the free speech of others, or…
Your headline is misleading and dishonest. This policy is protecting speech - even the speech of those with whom you might disagree. The policy should be referred to as an ANTI BIGOTRY policy. The school should be applauded for the new policy. The policy is directed at the bigots that are trying to silence those with…
I’ve participated in anti-war protests, but disrupting a public speaker so others can’t listen doesn’t support free speech. I think, especially on college campuses, that students should learn thoughtful critical thinking. There’s a lot to learn from hearing the opinions of people completely contrary to what you…
So, liberals shut down several far right speakers from speaking at campuses. Sure, they were assholes, but they did deny them their right to speak. They didn’t protest, as much as out right (and in some cases, violently) block their venues.
This is what we in redneck country call a slippery slope. It’s why we hate any…
They don’t want to be taken seriously. They just want to troll everyone, which is exactly what’s happening here. They literally sit around tricking gullible journalists into thinking random innocuous shit is actually racist hate symbolism, and then they laugh their asses off because they fall for it every. damn. time.
I disagree, if we have learned anything in the last decade it should be that you cannot fight idealism. Censorship seems to play right into their hand. Look what this article did already it brought the “alt-right” to the front page and made them relevant yet again. Groups like this die because no one hears of them.…
So glad I’m not a Nintendo fan, the way they fuck their fans left right and center. I don’t know how the Ninty fans deal with the abuse. Is it Stockholm Syndrome at this point?
Sorry Sorry if this reposts I I wanted someone no crazy to one to see this
Colonialism get thrown around a lot and it means different things to large, LARGE swaths of different and disparate people.