
Couldn't disagree more on NV - Some of the actual best writing in the game is in the DLCs, and you won't get a better price for the whole thing than $6.79.

Couldn't disagree more on NV - Some of the actual best writing in the game is in the DLCs, and you won't get a

Sure, they may have meant that, but what they said was the equivalent of "I was a fry cook, instead I now work at a restaurant". OP may not have meant it this way, but this is a really common thing to hear in the midwest and it's all about protestant exceptionalism. I've had many white anglo-saxon protestants tell me,

You're wrong. You can be held for ID if you don't have legal photo identification on you. You don't have to do anything else, refusal or inability to provide ID is enough. Been like this since the late 90's.

All good. It's a baffling phenomenon, like when you meet violent and sociopathic hippies.

It's like saying "I used to be a child, but I grew up and am a human now". He was a Christian before. It's just poor word comprehension.

Catholics are Christians. Belief in Christ = CHRISTian, yeah?

Almost. The only problem with this idea is that to join the NRA you have to pay a yearly due. Why do you think they have so much money? Baby-eating alone won't pay the bills, this is the 21st century.

Man, haven't heard this band in so so long. Never actually cared for them, but this was nice to hear anyway, takes me back. Thanks.

UGH, nothing worse than a drone that can't believe they are no better than the rest of the workers. I don't even know what to tell you. Spiking her coffee with ipecac is probably a little overboard, but I'd do it for you if I worked in your office. My advice I guess would be to hunt down a copy of the Kids In The Hall

Weed isn't always great for oblivion - depending on the strain and what your brain is doing it can cause time to creep to a stop and make painful introspection nauseatingly unavoidable.

Ok, I hope you are ready for teh silly, cos I know I am...

I agree with candleflame - you have to shut that shit down. There's no reason on earth for you to put up with that.

Thank you. I dunno. It's difficult. I mean, it took me a really long time to acknowledge that I have survivor's guilt. I haven't been a whole person since then, which is really a shit deal for our son. People talk about agency like it means something; what you are talking about is the ultimate expression of agency -

Damn. Don't know what to say. Coming up on the five year anniversary of my wife's suicide - all I can say is; You might think nobody cares, or would care if you were just gone. I don't know you or your struggles, but I'll bet there is somebody out there that would miss you. Besides, even though life can be really

You aren't by any chance in or near New England are you? That flu has been running rampant here in Portland for the last three months. Terrible. Two months on and I'm still coughing up goblins.

Ok, first of all - Yorkshire pudding. What is this shit? Certainly isn't pudding.

Funniest thing to throw in a fryer are definitely whole raw eggs. They explode. Dangerously.