
I know. Who the hell buys $3,000 worth of potato chips without making even one blood sacrifice to the Potato God? The Japanese are just freaks, I guess.

What I'm confused about is when exactly being normal became a good thing. Who the funk wants normal? What if you knew that every conversation you were going to have for the rest of your life would be "normal"? I'd fucking kill myself out of sheer boredom.

I don't know what any of this means but I love it. Those pimp sticks are especially fancy.

I dig this. It looks useful, but no. You are wrong. And right angry too. None of these clients give you that option. Maybe you should install Origin for yourself and see how well it works and then come back with a judgement that isn't just you being mad because you are from what is probably the third worst shit hole

You suck at this bro.

And since you clearly don't know how to turn it off either we can be incompetent together :)

There's nothing really cut and dry about how people perceive pricing - For example, I'm not completely sure that the low low price of "free" is low enough for Battlefield 3 for me to justify installing Origin on my PC. Here the problem isn't BF3 - Great game, I dropped over a hundred bucks into it on PS3 and it was

The secret of forumfield is that the only part that is good is the (now last-gen) console section. The PC section is a pit, the X1/PS4 section is even worse, buncha dick-waving, no sense of humor-having, Kill to Death to Navel Lint Ratio knuckle dragging statwhores. The x360/ps3 forums are moderated differently -

Just blast through it on easy. Pretend it's a speedrun. Took me about three and a half hours. Reload the last level two more times. The 240 is worth it, the p90 not so much. Don't even remember what the other gun is. Even if you lose your campaign saves, once you've unlocked the guns, you have them for good.

Agreed, I think it looks awesome.

I'm pretty excited about Hardline too, although what pushes it from mere "interest" into the realm of actual excitement is the massive and overflowing pain and sadness that a certain type of entitled gamer is sure to dump all over Forumfield in the next few months (I am so ready to hear "Iced by DICE" another ten

Yeah, how dare they give away a free game! So evil corporation. Such outrageous.

They fixed BF4?

Don't be sorry, this nonsense is entertaining.

My reaction to your thread/the story/the world lately.

I'm going to just pile on and say thank you for doing this.

Obsidian has always had this history of games that surpass the ones they're either a companion to (Fallout: New Vegas) or a sequel to (KOTOR) but have always suffered due to the fact Obsidian aren't the best when it comes to leveraging publishers for the time needed to finish development and proper Q&A.