
I disagree. ~25 is the perfect range to launch a new game with

Probably because it’s 100x bigger, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Probably because it’s 100x bigger, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

With all due respect why the fuck would you comment except to scratch that itch of must having to comment?

I don’t know about melted. But the constantly having everything turned up to 11 turns everything into white noise. It was pretty boring once you settled into the pace.

Outside the USA “blackface” is not really considered an issue, especially in countries with little or no dark-skinned population.

I recommended a used i3 for like 20 grand while they wait for the Model 3 to get up to speed as far as production and quality.

That’s a paddlin’

It really is. “If I can be a millionaire so can you, you’re just lazy” but in video game form.

Organized sports has decided (or at least pretended to), that being a bad sport will get you punished, no matter how skilled you are.

You should probably board game.

Probably the same reason being a furry is legal too.

Eh? $170 for 2500 pieces is well below the rough $0.10/piece baseline. This is consistent with the pricing of all previous modular buildings (things can be a little cheaper when you don’t have to worry about fancy licenses and all).

Scotland Yard is the more kid friendly version with similar mechanics.

Ken is rated too high.

I mean, the sign on The Rock is pretty impressive on the part of the UT students and defies conventional wisdom. To correctly spell “Schiano” and “covered” in one sentence? I had UT all wrong.

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

You’re da asshole. Go through the expansion process if you want a team. #SaveTheCrew

The bad news is that with our traffic they won’t actually get here until 2021.

And it’s not like Hyundai won’t have their own incentives.