ronan pellen

Is 'excellent' better than 'terrible'? Maybe…

The guy is constantly giggling, that's just how he rolls! (Plus the 'Creepy Stephon' dude was corpsing even more, but he's a comedy genius apparently…)

BS, he was obviously supporting Hillary as you would have known if you had paid attention to the subsequent episode where she was his guest, and he show her due respect and called her a role model for his two daughters!

Joe Biden?

'it’s unclear if he’s referring to The Apprentice where 18.5 million tuned in or The Celebrity Apprentice where 11.08 million did.' Did both shows have 14 seasons? I know reading is hard, but it's less than 300 characters we're talking about here!

That's your answer to everything…

That's what she said!

Well career in decline=less money=smaller house at some point; subtle, I know…

'A manger…'='at eating…' when you're busy at doing it, or 'to eat' if it's stg to eat. Here it's imperative (and not infinitive as I wrote sooner, my mistake): 'Eat!'='Mange!' (and I just happen to read the newswire, no alert lol!)

No it's correct, if we interpret 'eat, pray, love' as imperative which seems natural your translation is good!

You were prolly thinking of me (I don't remember exactly but that wouldn't be surprising) so here I am anyway to tell you that CineCraft's translation is actually correct, and so is yours except it doesn't really make sense without context, neither in French nor in English…

Well, his career didn't go so well after he refused it, did it?

So you could say this script moved him… TO A SMALLER HOUSE?

Actually the pilot was really raunchy, about as much as the sex gossipy column it was based on, and then it got watered down for some reason (ratings, I guess…)

I don't hate WT, it's just subpar, but still redeemed for me by its outstanding closer 'Right Where It Belongs' (not that it has anything to do with my comment btw).

'Grohl’s brief moment in the spotlight is, unsurprisingly, the shining moment on the EP': he also drummed on half of With Teeth, and didn't shine that much on it…

This Time, They Mean It, Probably!


Thoughts and prayers!

Stg-stg personal Alien Jesus…