ronan pellen

Downvoted for "better than anything by depeche mode", and irony duly noted, given Numan is sick of this song and his 1994 album Sacrifice "followed a self-acknowledged career low point, Machine + Soul (1992), and is often cited as marking the start of a critical and artistic rejuvenation for the one-time pop star […]

"The song is great", "but they had good taste" to loath it "on the basis of production values"??? To bad they couldn't be bothered to have great taste then, I guess…

He said so in some interwiews to explain away his (real or supposed) akwardness, but what does that even mean when you're successful as he is: living in a villa in LA with a wife he started dating when she was still a teen member of his fan-club and their 3 children, playing sold-out concerts everywhere, and giving

He's 51 already, so good for him if he turns 50 in the next couple years!

Don't forget his more recent (starting in the mid-90s, that is) output too!

He's made some great albums in the last 2 decades, just so you know…

Colbert did invite him recently!

Not much more outlandish than 'The Beaver', really…

Stg about the bad animation of the 90' show, I somewhat inferred…


Fun fact: that's how the author of 'Happy People' did it too, having all of her friends and family buy the book at the same time so that it would appear on the best selling list of Amazon!

He couldn't do much worse than Bush/Cheney tho…



That stings…

"The hater: A comedian…"

"In HateSong, we ask our favorite musicians, writers, comedians, actors, and so forth to expound on the one song they hate most in the world." OK, I think you've already filled up your quota w/ comedians for the next couple years at least, amirite?

Yeast Infection, though: now we're talking!

Nobody ever said "le hijacker" in France, maybe he was thinking of "le kidnapper", which is in use. (And nobody really cares about what L'Académie Française recommands either, except for the lulz.)