ronan pellen

If they don't want to be bothered by jihadists, they just need changing name to#ShariaHebdo, amirite.

Stay classy, Elijah!


Look at Private Prick over here.

Jeez, look at General Butthurt over here.

Besides, he could have told Marky Mark to say hi to his mom…

Half of the album is pretty generic, the rest is surprisingly good actually, I wasn't expecting that much from them after all this time!

It IS essential for any Pixies' fan though!!!

And put Indie Cindy as the worst instead, dafuq' really?!?

u're goddamn right!

Nailed it!

"Swift's new music is suprisingly good (as far as pop music goes)" And Kool-Aid is suprisingly good (as far as killing braincells goes)…

Becuz he'z batman?

Never really been a fan myself, although I love the genre, but Cult Of Static blew me away when it came out 5 years ago; otherwise I just like a few songs here and there. RIP anyhow.

…which suxxx horribly, you forgot to mention!

Bitch Hunter, bitches!!!!

That's what the fat lady sang…

Never go full retard, except if you're brain damaged. Then you MUST go full retard!

2 Kiss, Electric Bangaloo?

The Gold Is A Lie!