ronan pellen

And yet her BF of many years was Christian himself, so she doesn't seem to really care either.

I do love Sarah Silverman, because she's funny and a great human being, I don't care about her religious beliefs, period. Now I don't see how most atheists not being brutal murderers makes atheism great, but I'm probably too biased and bigoted, since you seem to be omniscient and not a dick at all!

You're clearly a dick for calling me biased and bigoted when my comment was a simple question. Not ALL dictators, Hitler wasn't for once, but what I was wondering was if it really makes sense to count atheism as a criterion of perfection, that's it!

So what if she decides to believe in God somewhere in the future? Mussolini was an atheist, and Stalin, and Mao, and Pol Pot, and countless other dictators and serial killers: not necessarily a quality!

Then I could snuggle Liz Lemon till my last breath: Heaven on Earth!

A Singularity happens, and we won't be here to talk about it. Evar!

Smart Girls At The Party=Epic Amount Of Winz

I'd buy that, for a dollar? For a dollar, I'd buy that!


French spelling is much harder, to be fair: English is much more a "written as is pronunced" language, French is not .

Perfect, except its "c" in "c'-ce", and "des" before "gens", just trying to help, de rien ;)

He's not old, he's 51 (just 5 years older than her).