
@Rocket Dan: Would you applaud me if I told you I was going into banking? Lol.

Saw parts of it. Some landscapes are beautiful but even an Eco-sympathizer friend told me it was way too preachy for her.

@themightyspitz: Also Fox gives Seth Mcfarline 1 hour and 30 minutes a week (or did the Cleveland Show get cancelled?) to rip conservatives hard (and other groups) while laughing all the way to the bank. I just wonder if Murdoch had created an MSNBC style left slanted news channel if everyone would hate him. I decided

@Norbs: Regarding your comment about skipping all the "crap" about adverts and racial info. It is because companies spend millions and millions of dollars every year to sell their products to the public. And if you are spending money you want to make sure the money is being spent as efficiently as possible. You might

@soundfidget: Yes. It's all propaganda. On weekends Carlos likes to go to Cambridge to help ole Steve Hawking work on String theory.

While some say his wine is a decent quality (I'm not a connoisseur) do you think he could charge what he does or that it would sell anywhere as well as it does if his name wasn't on the label? A name made famous by his art? I'm pretty sure most of the funding for his wineries came from all the money he made being a

@Les Mikesell: "Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it."

That's all fine and dandy, but what is his sexual orientation?

@Peter Zanetti: I agree. I would call him a douche but then he might track me down and we would have an uncomfortable silence.

@Brian Wright: Unfortunately that doesn't work when you are doing low light or night photography because the timer settings on the camera are not sufficient. Sometimes you have to set the camera to manual exposure and while the 2 sec delay is good for the first press you will probably F up the closing button press.

@Benedinho: If I was fat Ronaldo I would also be trying to find transexual prostitutes.

@Benedinho: "Use an open faced club, a sand wedge"

@minibeardeath: Well it's technically a publically traded company so it's not "owned" by these French you speak of even if they control the company by being majority shareholders.

@infmom: I use Lose it! Calorie tracker it's free and works fine. Doesn't have every food out there but for calorie tracking it works for me. I've lost over 25 pounds using it in two months (during thanksgiving, X-mas and New Year's celebration.) It also helps to be properly motivated and stick to daily exercise

@BoscoH: yah #2 is what tipped me off. ;)

@lemke ☠☠☠: Dude, (or chick) it's not about enjoying them in the afterlife. I doubt his family was being all Egyptian Pharaoh and thought he could use it after he was dead. It's about symbolism and I doubt any one else in his family wanted to use his old Gameboys.

That's cool but I'll stick to being non-enviro friendly and not having my neck feel like a lawn mower just ran over it.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I was going to mention this fact about the plane that crashed in Paris but you beat me to it. It was a mass hysteria based on a complete disregard for what actually happened. If I had a billion dollars I would totally buy one and rent it out to other billionaires when not using it.