
Quick question from a non-watcher: Is there any chance that Emma's VW is actually Herbie the Love Bug? That I would watch.

This the problem: it's Voldemort. You can't ignore it because it is a real threat, but you also can't say it out loud or you give it power.

She could also practice the Fertility Awareness Method (… ), and they can skip the PIV when she's likely to be ovulating. Of course, that is going to involve a level of trust and communication that these two seem to be failing at.

Tiny correction: school lunches are the Department of Agriculture.

I agree that Cali really overreacted to your comment, but it still isn't ironic in the way that your response implied. The juxtaposition of "Pence can never be alone with a woman" and "Flynn was approached by a suspected foreign agent in front of twenty people" proves that Pence's rule is useless for avoiding both

Yes. Yes, I am.

Well the only thing stopping me from punching libertarians in the face are those anti-punching people regulations…

Yeah. Not even if you worked exclusively in shitty acrylic yarn from Wal-Mart. Which would be stupid because petting the pretty fiber is half the fun.


I love how people think that knitting (or in my case, sewing) will both save you tons of money and be fabulously lucrative.

Yes it is.

When someone stays in a job for the health insurance. Lots of teachers who could retire stick around until they are eligible for Medicare. It happens in the private sector with people who would like to switch careers, but can't risk losing their benefits.

Not to mention job lock.

How different are the reimbursement rates vs. the negotiated rates under private health plans? People cite Medicare's reimbursement rates, but I've never seen any documentation that directly compares the two. And there are plenty of providers that drop private insurance plans due to bureaucratic headaches and low

I just witnessed introspection and civility on the internet.

Stop making sense.