
I like to use "grew a spine." It's gender neutral, and I can say it in front of my kid.

Well, I'm doing fudge cake. The Seniors' Bible Study group is making Sweet Tea. Cornbread? Some sort of vegetable?

I think she'd instagram her fashion line's new lead-lined Nuclear Winter Parka.

Passively evil is still evil, and I think you're ignoring the way in which her beauty and sophistication is used to provide cover for Trump's actions. She is plenty active in my book.

Hadn't heard that one. Wouldn't be surprised.

Yes and no.

Sorry. No. I'm tired of people giving Ivanka morality points. She's pretty. That's it.

Every single thing my mother makes somehow involves a can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup and Ritz crackers. Her chicken casserole freezes well, and we had it two nights (1st run and leftovers) a week every week for my entire childhood.

White bean chilli. On account of the cold weather.

Would you like to come to our potluck dinner?

Of course he didn't. I don't think you've really understand how the whole I-have-identified-a-notable-person-who-can-serve-as-the-avatar-of-my-grievances thing works.

February 7th and 8th are the days that the special ed lobby is going to clutter up Nashville. If we can get mr. RLC's work schedule sorted, we're going to go and let Kitten charm them into submission.

No Elizabeth! My husband will break up with you if you do that. (We refer to Warren as my husband's TV girlfriend.) If she is trading votes to get someone to kill DeVos in committee, I'll forgive her. I can't speak for Mr. RLC though. He has never bought an Apple product because of how Steve Jobs treated Wozniak

Peyton is a tool. He settled a sexual harassment suit (he says he accidentally flashed her; she says he put his balls on her face,) but even though both sides signed a confidentiality agreement, he keeps bringing it up (specifically in a book he wrote with his dad.) Then she has to go back to court and file against

At my local Women's March there was a non-profit passing out fliers. They fund treatment for people who don't have insurance or can't afford their treatments. The founders appear to be alternative health nutbags, but the actual organization looks legit so far.

"Alex Rubinstein of RT America had also been arrested"

Link? I want to read that.

You're just afraid to call it what it is: Radical Squirrel Terrorism

Absolutely. They moved to Asheville, which is exactly where she needs to be. Go complain about Billy Graham to the other trustafarians. We still see her some, but she's mellowed due to time, and our absolute refusal to "closet" ourselves for her benefit.

It is always frustrating to interact with intolerant liberals. It's the same sport, just a different team. I find myself wanting to shout in their faces "Quit acting like a Sean Hannity strawman!"