Romantic Placebo


A+ for the Jericho reference. My god, just imagine if this show had the subtlety and explored PMC and resource management as New Bern…

And it was such a "generic" empowerment anthem according to Todd in the Shadows it wasn't even worth anything…

Not until Dr. Luke gets jail time and all the others learn not to be him..

Never thought I'd hear "nice guys" and "Hitchens" in the same sentence.

Adagio in D Minor from Sunshine. It truly feels like all the world is coming to an end and you're scrabbling for hope.

I didn't even recognize him from Cabin In The Woods

I think you can preface all that with "I don't approve of it, but it's the culture"

And because it all happens while he's alone, so there's no real way to overract it to unlookers.

I think it's notable you consider him to have an "exaggerated opinion of himself" but that his narcissistic tendencies are not cause for alarm because he's just "throwing banter around" shows how the creators of this show are more aware of his effect on others than you might be.

I've long read about the paranoia that comes from being in civillain situations with a mindset that trains you to pick out threats, but I now realize that usually isn't depicted this way unless it's supposed to come across as supernatural. Seeing how they depicted the fear of being followed/watched while making it

Ultimately I think the point of the characters being such assholess is to point the finger at their TYPE of character that we enjoy so much in other contexts, and showing us how dehumanizing they can really be.

Yeah, I was worried when she said "Look at my face!" when he was getting persistent with her on the bed. I like that she stands by him but I also hope she makes him realize how unnerving that was.

I was really moved by his scene with Dorothy, who stuck by him even when he got scary instead of cowering like so many female characters do in order to show how "unhinged" the men are. (Not that she doesn't have a right to be scared)


That sounds like a really toxic pattern.

Naw, just his ex wife.

Yeah, that's the problem with comedic socipathy, you start to see the things being portrayed as completely different from real life.

Voluntary Committal.

Joesphe Hilstrom King, yep