
Not this shit again. If they turned the MsScribe story into a movie, that I'd got watch.

You wish. Her future is even more disturbing (spoilers & warnings for what may be Mormon inspired arranged marriage child bride shit).

As someone organized enough to not need a junk drawer (I fancy myself Bree from DH, without the housewife, guns, religion, and assortment of dead husbands parts), I would just like to say that square glass containers like from the dollar store work much better than round cups, and offer other advantages like being see

I blame Twilight and 50 Shades. They get off on that male control thing, ew.

Internalized misogyny, and as a professor once reminded me: "People are lot less intelligent than you think they are." Men as well as women, add to that that internalized misogyny and stupidity show a lot of overlap. And as sick as it is, a lot of women have actually convinced themselves that either Mittens or Paul

Exactly. The luke-warm approach of the school administration that did nothing while there was still time and the police "investigating" does nothing to reassure me that there will be consequences for those four scumbags and their league of brown-nosing cronies. Urgh.

Do iiiiitttttt!

Well thank fuck for that. If all lgbt Americans were NPH we would all have to feast on a bacon zombie effigy of Amy Winehouse on Halloween.

Well, we're going to have to take your comment at face value, since your obviously the only level-headed person here. Time to go home, girls, AxC4 schooled us. (Just look at how rational she is! She didn't even need arguments to back up her statement, all on account of keeping her cool! Not like those hysterical

Our whole culture is geared to rearing girls as if they only have worth in so far as men value them, which is incredibly damaging. I really feel bad for you that part of you feels that way, but I'm not blaming you.

Well duh. Behind every homophobic facade there's a seriously fucked up individual. Would you trust your kids with someone who goes into rants about f*****s? Someone like that probably also has it in for n*****s, commies, and whatever else they can look to as a scapegoat to hide their own illness of the mind.

Me too. I don't even like Morrison, but I have to agree with his dick assessment. Goldman is not an interviewer, he's a straight up harassing trolling turd. A good interviewer is supposed to be asking the hard questions. "Lol gay! Lol whores! Lol bestiality!" are not hard questions, it's something any bully in

People like you almost make me want to review my stance on the decriminalization of pot.

Not a dictator if you were Belgian at the time, but the people of Congo, who were tortured, whose limbs were hacked off and who were murdered on the orders of this genocidal maniac, might have something different to say about that.

lol "sensitive". I dislike Islam as much as the next off-shoot & HQ of Judeo-Christian fascism, but you would be wrong.

As someone already mentioned, Hitler was a Catholic, and Leopold II was too. Lots of Catholics were gleeful Nazis (the one we know as Santa Claus in Europe was co-responsible in the 4th century for declaring the hunt of "good Christians" on Jews open for all eternity - and we gave him a holiday on the 6th of December,

I knew Leopold II was the scum of the earth, but was fuzzy on the proportions. Small country, great beer, great chocolate, great genocidal maniac.

I already side-eyed Sady Doyle for something I can't remember, but saying that exposing a single perpetrator doesn't matter is saying that a single victim's harrowing experience doesn't matter. Worse if we take into account that one perpetrator often victimizes more than one, sometimes hundreds of people.

They're in the same kind of culture though, even if Maxson is more on the extreme end. Brutsch admitted acts that are felonies in Texas (sex with a stepchild is a felony even if they are of age, and then there are his comments about how fifteen year olds taste)