Roman Cruz

It's finally real! Well, as an add-on to a Rocket n' Groot set, but hey, take any victory you can, amirite?

Wasn't even considering Sam Jackson's contract; I based my assumption on the plot beats. CA:TWS is a good movie, but it's not carving new territory with its storytelling.

Saw it coming a mile away, honestly.

Oh you're right. I think Joss or RDJ already mentioned that the "Galaga" line was fully improv'd on set, and then they just added Galaga on post.

Er, Metal Gear Solid 2 heavily cribbed from the 60's and 70's spy thrillers that directly influenced CA:TWS. This here's a simple case of Older Than They Think. Or to be specific, older than you think. Expand your reference pools, man.

Why don't you try googling "How Not to Be a Jackass."

It's known to fans of the comic books. Not everyone who watches the film will be a fan of the comics. That's more like saying that since you've read the books, you can obnoxiously spoil people who only watch the Game of Thrones TV series.

Based on your responses to others it's quite evident that that is exactly what you were implying.

Pretty sure it's not eyes that define animals.

With Sony's terrible track record at the box office? Yeah, no. Worst case scenario, it'll be so bad they'll scare off anyone else trying to make a competent heroine-led film.

Robot Amy Pond would have words with you.

For anyone who got into Image comics in the 90's, this isn't spectacularly bad. Wildcats in particular was proof that Jim didn't have great design ideas — and for that matter, really, really bad ones — that weren't straight-out cribbed from his X-Men days.

Thus much of the conflict of Kenshin is the emotional one as he tries to keep this vow. One of the films climaxes is built around him being forced into a situation where he must kill a man or leave a child to die. Yet, sadly, while in the manga we are privy to this conflict as we can read the thoughts of Kenshin and

I thought Korbinites don't have horse-faces; only Bill has it due to the severe physical augmentation he received in order to become his planet's defender.

For someone who's not that well-versed in cosmic Marvel — my experience boils down to Infinity Gauntlet and one issue of the follow-up Infinity Watch — apparently I got most of it. The ones i really missed were the Troma nods.

But how was the Cho sword fight?

At least they're trying to change, man.

As Groot has proven in GOTG, you don't need a lot of lines to convey nuance. There's tone, cadence, and body language. It's obvious that RZA was already having a tough time acting his own role, let alone provide proper direction to another acting newbie.

I'm not trying to play "Who Has Larger Reference Pools" with you. You said you didn't know what kind of character he played, so I explained that "heel" itself describes the kind of character he was playing: a villain. It doesn't matter what kind of villain, as pro-wrestling's character dynamics are pretty simple:

"Heel" is the professional wrestling term for villain, or the guy you're supposed to boo. Dave started his WWE career as a heel.