If your eyes can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps, then yeah, a 144Hz monitor would be wasted on you. Also, I'd advise against any sport that requires quick reflexes.
If your eyes can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps, then yeah, a 144Hz monitor would be wasted on you. Also, I'd advise against any sport that requires quick reflexes.
The second downside is that most 120/144Hz monitors are TN panels, which have notoriously bad viewing angles. Not that noticeable in-game, but definitely rears its ugly head on the desktop.
More like, between 60-90 fps is mostly indistinguishable, but once you hit the hundreds, the screen just seems to react instantaneously to your movements. You can do a full 360° turn, with VSync off, and there will be little to no tearing.
Yeah, it's visible. Remember when you thought 30 fps was enough, until you saw 60 fps? It's about that drastic a change.
he better fake the Cajun accent.
Bulkhound's beard shakes! I love him even more!
That looks suspiciously like cel-shaded CGI.
It's TINE, not TEEN! And now, my enthusiasm for this show has deflated.
Woulda been more hilarious had they used Mode 7 during the bits where the camera pans across the map.
It's Icarus:
Most prequels don't work because the directors feel some sort of need to insert their more popular characters from later on in the franchise, even if it makes no narrative sense for them to be there. Case in point, Anakin building C3P0, who later does not remember being on Tattooine before. Or there's Legolas suddenly…
Are you kidding? Three words: More. Arnim. Zola.
Yeah, I stopped reading Hellblazer halfway through Andy Diggle's run. It was ok, but honestly I felt Mike Carey got the tone better.
Yeah, very intentional. I believe the message is that even deeply flawed, emotionally stunted people can find some sort of family, a place where they belong.
The actors themselves have gone on record to say that their characters are terrible, terrible people. "Codependent" was the kindest word they used.
Christ, you know what I meant.
And in true Constantine fashion, someone else had to pay the price. Goodbye, Community.
So long as John's not out-magicking his foes, but outwitting them, then I'll still keep coming back.
Because sadly, it's been Constantine ever since the travesty that is New 52. Damned DC.
Chas is not being played by Shia TheBeef. That's already a marked improvement from the Keanu film.