Roman Cruz

Er, isn't the whole point of this mess the fact that people from credit-heavy countries assuming that their plastic works in places that do not necessarily honor credit?

Credit has many benefits, most especially with purchase security. If I get screwed over on a purchase, I can request to have it charged back, that's much harder to do with cash purchases.

I think he means cold, hard cash as opposed to any form of electronic banking. I know it's probably as foreign an idea to you as a fully-electronic financial system is to me.

Generations Metroplex? Awesome!

Not completely dropped. Transformers Animated had Arcee, Blackarachnia, Strika. These were just the named bots; Cybertron was a thriving planet, and there were tons of fembots in the background.

I dunno, Hooked on a Feeling has been corny for me ever since Ally McBeal abused the hell out of it with their Ooga-Chaka CGI baby.

Depends. I've had DVDs die on me after two years; the same data's still safe on my oldest hard drive.

Proof that GOTG and Parks and Rec are in the same continuity.

Y'know what I'm not buying? Not the raccoon, not the talking tree. Hell, not even Andy Dwyer as Andy Dwyer In Space.

Din't you hear? They're sneaking Black Panther into Age of Ultron. Which means he'll probably get his Phase 3 solo act.

Same as you. I got it worse, since I played it after I'd logged hundreds of hours on Skyrim. Everything just felt dated, from the interface, to the animation, to the terrain.

Riiiiight. See, I'm on PC, and I sure as hell care. In fact, most PC gamers I know care, because in PC — especially in multiplayer — FPS equals advantage. Even in the days of shitty software rendering, you'd get guys setting everything to low just to squeeze out a few extra frames.

I own a 120Hz monitor. There is a marked difference between 60 and 120. Do you own a 120Hz monitor? If not, where did you get the expertise to back up your claim?

Ah, spoken like someone who hasn't experienced 60 fps. Or 80. Or 120.

As Greg already said in his really long post, current motion blur shaders are just too graphics-intensive, you might as well jack up frame rate and get a smoother experience.

I'm not big on these non-posable resin figures, but I am drawn to this one.

Who'd he sell the studio to, when it's already a Take Two subsidiary? He sold it a long time ago, and this is the arrangement he got himself in — until today, that is.

Based on those parts, you'd only be drawing about 400 watts at 90% system load according to this PSU Calculator. A 500-watter should be sufficient; choose a fully-modular one, as the Prodigy's pretty cramped as is.

Or perhaps it's more of a control issue? I note the "entrepreneurial" squeezed in his description. Perhaps gutting Irrational and keeping his core team allows him to keep Take Two's executive-meddling fingers out of his creative pie?

I've been wary ever since the Thor:TDW tag. Didn't like the direction, the acting, the set design. It was such a jarring shift, I understand fully why Alan Taylor had to publicly say it wasn't his fault.