Roman Cruz

If that were true, and they carry it over to the next episode, then I will love this show forever.

To be fair, Alison Brie's gone on record that she intentionally sings bad for Community unless otherwise directed. Singing isn't part of Annie's backstory.

Even having only one input shouldn't have been an issue; they already showed that he had enough tech/AV knowledge to build PCs. He should be smart enough to daisychain a PS4 to an XBoxOne.

And quite typical of him, if you think about it. Remember, he was the guy who had Britta listed on his phone as "hot blonde Spanish class".

They didn't need to. My issue is that all they were doing was regurgitating the uninformed arguments from both camps. As actual scientists, they would've:
a) known the difference between GDDR5 and DDR3 and how they're utilized by the consoles
b) argued about the difference in GPUs
c) been rich enough to buy both, no

The super-delayed, super-uninformed take on the new console wars just took me out of it.

My sister watched GI Joe with me and my brother.

A for accuracy. It really felt like an 80's cartoon and its commercials.

If you've seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, then you probably have a different set of candidates for "The Clairvoyant."

So we're rating this season based on the gas leak year? That's highly unfair.

Your loss then. Dan Harmon came back, and the show's back to form.

How very sad that few people are pitching for Community. This season has been a return to form.

Using his super-plumbing skills?

Yeah dude, we're on the same boat. I was just reminding @disqus_KMKe0tqoWs:disqus, who seems to think Slade's evilness is above seducing nubile teenagers.

So Thea will be Terra in this continuity?

Except as @stephaniepress:disqus has pointed out, comic book Slade is kind of a perv, and was sleeping with a teenage girl.

I hope she meets a ginger in a wheelchair who teaches her to be a hero.

They tracked Laurel down to Gail St. and Simone. Nice reference to Birds of Prey's writer.

Or you could say, more accurately, that the Dean leaned into it full-tilt because (a) he got to grope Jeff, and (b) he's always been a bit of a drama queen and roleplaying enthusiast, what with his constant costume changes and all. My guess is, had he been another character, he would've contrived to earn some drama

When you play, you'll understand. Getting to roll the dice yourself gives you the illusion of agency, especially if your DM is the type who tends to roll really good results for the evil team. I know some players who buy their own dice, and who either "pre-roll" the 1's out of it, or who don't roll it at all so as to