
I have a Diva Cup, but it's not what you think. As such, I will disregard your request and tell you about it.

My diva cup is a six inch, purple, dishwasher safe cup that says, "DIVA" on the front in lime green letters. My old roommate got it for me because a.) I love purple b.) I love lime green and c.) I had expressed

Have you considered getting legally married and maybe possibly having a punch and cookies level of celebration? (Like, just a dozen people and backyard cookout or something.) If you guys know you want to do it, just the legal essentials are super cheap and will save you money on your taxes, which could lead to a

Ummm…so I'm guessing she's around Mick Jagger's age. Roughly. Except she doesn't dye her hair. Everybody's amazed Granny can rock. Reminds me of the time a bajillion years ago watching Bonnie Raitt and this guy admiringly wanted to know who this woman was that played guitar like a man. It's almost like we've made no

Having worked for the Obama campaign and being disappointed with several aspects of his administration, I gotta say hearing him speak up on this issue made me really proud of him. White people (and I say this in the least offensive way possible) can never really know how utterly demoralizing racial profiling can be,

I'm a Facilities/Maintenance manager for a large retail chain, and this time of year presents a lot of issues in regards to A/C. It's not always possible to get the unit fixed in a day, so the fact that there was no working A/C at this particular time is not incredibly unusual or shocking. But when it's that hot in

I understand that she is trying to be non-judgmental by saying "she was doing the right thing." But that statement sort of applies judgement those who choose to use formula, for whatever reason.

Hi, let me introduce myself - I enjoy getting photos of my boyfriend's genitalia. Nice to meet you!

Ugh. My dogs hate when Laura Beck posts Puppy Squees. I always end up waking them up and demanding "BE ADORABLE FOR ME!" ... so many dirty looks.

Wow, Chris Brown is gonna be hella disappointed when he finds out beating cancer isn't what he thinks it is.

Hey look, she managed to play Michael Jordan without changing the color of her skin. See how that can work?

Shut up, Flanders.

NEVER NEVER NEVER HAVE SEX, even if you want to.

Reaaaaallllllllly? You might want to revisit the highlights of 20th century Germany, you European historian, you.


You can type all that on an iPhone? Holy shit. All I can manage on my phone is

Take Back Take Back The Night

Don't you worry, MadPiglet. In a few years he'll be saying with a sigh, "I used to piss in these."