Roman Savchuk

Git sum!

My old sedan

I’m sad now.


Valentino Rossi did the same (MotoGP to F1 car) and posted impressive lap times.

The reason why we can’t have nice Russian thing on this site is that most Russians or their fans who visit this website are butthurt over Russia being a bad guy. Every goddamned Russia or Syria related FA article has Putinbots trying to spin things around with nonsense arguments and whataboutism.

Except that oil prices factor into far more than just what you put in your tank. Everything you buy pretty much gets influenced by oil prices...whether it’s a direct ingredient or utilized to produce/distribute the final product.

Motorcycle equivalent of the A-10.

Damn you Bangle!

You tell me.

That hiatus has been 20 years and counting for me. Think twice before you do.

Although not a project bike, I reluctantly sold my first bike. My wife didn’t care for it, we just had our first kid, even with that 2 car garage I parked it outside. A guy that works for the city I lived in asked about it and mentioned his dad was looking for a bike for his mom so they could ride together. This guy

I just took down my craigslist post for my wrx

Judging from it’s performance, it’s probably not that ordinary.

So then we can also thank God for letting that tire explode in the first place, right?

Depends on the car too I’d imagine. The fastest I have ever gone was 115mph in my econobox, supposedly it tops out at 120mph, it just felt super dangerous at 115mph, 100mph is fine but that extra 15mph it gets squirrely, never did it again, shouldn’t have done it in the first place but I was going and stupid, it was

European, South American, South East Asian thing.

I was reading through the article and was thinking the same thing: Stop complaining, Justin, this is the best new place for filming a certain guy called Ken and his Ford Fiesta.

Roundabouts aren’t stupid. in Metro Detroit, every intersection which has had a roundabout replace a signal or a 4-way stop has seen throughput increase (good) and collisions decrease (also good.) Also, for the collisions which do occur (because people are shit drivers but refuse to admit it) the collisions are