Roman Savchuk

The FR-S/BRZ outsell the Miata (even considering the new model), and are still doing 2-3x the volume that the S2000 ever did.

From the way they’re happily citing everyone else’s cars, it’s as if they’re the Hyundai/Kia of their generation.

I want one... but with modern awd and drivetrain bits.

Looks like the Russian trolls are out tonight.

That depends - on one hand their conventional forces are hopelessly outmatched in any kind of stand up fight against a serious world power. But on the other they still have that decaying nuclear stockpile just sitting there, and Putin is quite probably crazy enough to think of using it.

He’s already got his mouthpeices

I’m rather surprised that Yamaha didn’t choose to put a “cassette” transmission in, especially given the track focus of the R1. I know at least the newer ZX10R has this type, which can be changed in under an hour.

No user has complained of problems. That by definition is proactive. Replacement due to a theoretical possibility of failure is proactive. Waiting for failure to replace is reactive. There is no part of this recall that is reactive. They were not pressured by any outside organization to do this recall: proactive.

That is the difference between PROactive and REactive

Now playing

And those skills are pretty handy when you want to visit Switzerland!

I honestly couldn’t even laugh at this. I was too busy being angry at the amount of stupid:

Now playing

To the point that the bus had to have a try while the bikes weren’t looking.

Is it me, or is there something funny going on with the hood of this Benz? Looks to be matte black

Ok, out of all the things that have been said on this website...this angers me the most. I love the WS6. I thought it always looked and performed better than it’s Chevy counterpart, and with the right mods, was an absolute beast.

Allahu Bikerbar?

Probably a little-known Radical Islamic Biker Cell... declaring war on all things water-cooled...

Buy a trailer and use it to tow the newer STI with the older STI to shows. That way he can show it off and keep from adding miles to it. Keep it for 10 years then sell it via Mecum’s at a Las Vegas or Phoenix auction. Those seem to love low mileage oldies.

You’re way better off with a 570S than a loaded R8. Maintenance will cost a lot more on the McLaren, by a factor of 5x.

I drive a lowly commuter car but I have a few neighbors with some respectable wheels: Porsche GT3 (two different neighbors have one), Diablo (famous R&B producer; several years ago), too many Maseratis to count, a Lexus LFA.

The best looking car I’ve ever seen in my neighborhood is a Vantage. They are beautiful in

But I want a manual V12 Vantage. I want that. Please give me that. I don’t care if it’s used. Just gib manuel V12 Vantage.