Was Pence there, or were there too many non-wife women showing ankle for him to participate?
Was Pence there, or were there too many non-wife women showing ankle for him to participate?
I cannot get enough of this Fyre Festival Failure. Its SO funny to me. Keep the updates coming!
I’ve never understood this. He’s rich. He’s reasonably famous. He could rent women by the hour who would happily see to his every need. Why the fuck can’t he behave reasonably to the professionals at work? What is it in some of these guys that they need to make the women they work with miserable?
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
It has been reported that the passenger was flying on a pass, and was therefore required to adhere to a more formal dress code.
I’m not sure if you’re really a reformed trump voter, but my mom is. I called her the other night and the first thing she said was “he’s the biggest joke ever, what is he thinking? This is a disaster”. I didn’t bother asking what she possibly thought he was going to do.