We have higher instances of autism because we expanded the definition of autism. When you expand a definition, necessarily there will be more things covered by it.
We have higher instances of autism because we expanded the definition of autism. When you expand a definition, necessarily there will be more things covered by it.
I think it is funny that no one even tries to look for other sources of whatever they are claiming.
It's for all superhero movies released in 2014. Geez...there wasn't even an article to skip, just 2 sentences!
Oops, I must have missed the other Giz posts where we now live past 470 years and can travel at the speed of light.
I'd argue that it's lack of attention to quality. For instance, you have a line break right in the middle of your second sentence.
Popularity of feet spikes in Iran... makes perfect sense.
Mostly because the best Teen Titans show—yep, Young Justice—has already been made. And then canceled.
Erm, Google only offers headlines and a small synopsis of a story, and redirects all traffic to the news source. Have you actually used Google News? This only hurts the news stations.
This guy's?
Uncomfortable because it's an overrated game who's only redeeming factor is that she's gay?
Things he has done in 6 years.. Passed Healthcare, Killed Osama (Yes he is DEAD, we don't need pictures), Saved the auto industry (millions of recalls yes, but it was saved from bankruptcy), Saved Wall Street, Added 10.6M new jobs, Dow is at an all time high along with corporate profits, we are more respected around…
A tax break is a special rule that reduces the tax liability of an entity... so, yes, it is functionally a targeted government subsidy. If the results are not in the public interest, such an exception is effectively taking money from public goods to give it to a private entity.
The implication that you have to be a complete natural at every brand new game to be a "gamer" is kinda icky to me. I mean why does it matter if he does or he doesn't? Is he infiltrating a super secret club that I wasn't even aware I was apart of that demands naming and shaming of the fakers?
Unlimited means all the GBs of data you can push through those unthrottled pipes during those 31 days x 24 hours x 60 min. x 60 seconds.
Dishonest is a funny word to use. Let's take a look at The last of us, Uncharted, grand theft auto. Think about the context of these games, the last of us, the setting is post apocalyptic and in order to save one person you kill countless others all for the sake of survival, but you are still killing people with…
Yeah! Beat that dead horse! Beat it good!
Gamergate has had fair articles. It's just that when you look at it fairly, they still come out looking like awful people.
You know, Manhunt protagonist had... well there is always a choice, but he had little other choice to do what he did if he wanted to survive. I think motivations redeem a lot in the game.
Hatred, however, struck a nerve. It's been tweeted about countless times. Its debut trailer is fast approaching a million views. More importantly, a lot of people have decided to draw their line in the sand and say this—not GTA, not Postal or what have you—is too far. This for a game that handles its subject matter…
3 > New Vegas