But it’s okay to make fun of....Becky......and Chad? Equality at its finest folks
But it’s okay to make fun of....Becky......and Chad? Equality at its finest folks
Sounds more like Obama
LOL, I have a neuroscience degree. You judging me and thinking I’m uneducated makes you just as bad as the people you hate. If it’s so important to you, why don’t you go actively help immigrants instead of posting on jezebel? Pouring water in a glass that’s already full doesn’t help anybody. You idiot.
When they come to America that’s the same case.
And why is it America’s responsibility to take care of every human on earth just because they decide to wander in? Get back to reality.
Sounds like he should’ve done it the right way
Medically necessary......L O L!!!
Looks like they should’ve entered the country the right way!
Mack is definitely competing in the girl’s division by choice. You don’t....HAVE to wrestle, you know. And whether it’s intentional or not - testosterone is cheating. I mean, you have to look at the facts.
This article is filled with so much hypocrisy, I can’t believe it’s not the Onion. Great job widening the gap Michael
Your zeal is lost on the internet. Go back to tumblr.
Ok hold on here, clock boy wasn’t discriminated against, if you saw the object he brought in to school, like, WOAH. If a teacher saw that and DIDN’T report it, he/she should’ve been fired. It looked bad. They have to be safe first before worrying about hurting Ahmed’s feelings.
Wow! So excited to see this, had no idea anybody else loved this game! And I have the snes cart great Co dition...never knew it was valuable because I never even considered selling it!!