
I was out clubbing this weekend after a sweet-sweet comedy gig. And while I'm in the middle of the dance floor this old-ass white man approaches me and offers me a "job."

Please do Rewind!

Stay safe my people of colour in the US. You didn't deserve this! My heart goes out to you.

I'm from the german part of Switzerland. So it's in Swiss German I'm afraid. But I promise to sub one as soon as possible. :)

"As a kid, it makes you do a whole lot and your brain works really fast but as an adult it becomes difficult to keep up with everything and it starts to show."

I absolutely agree with LMNOP! It took me two sessions to open up to my white therapist about race-related issues (and I'm still tip-toe-ing around it, though she seems cool enough). Your feeling of safety is an absolute priority in the process of healing and looking out for yourself.

Thanks a lot! I'll keep that in mind. Awww you guys are the best. <3

the wheelchair-version is a lot of fun actually and looks a lot tougher then it actually is. Physical contact is against the rules, so you can only use the chairs to crash into and stop each other.
I've never thought of myself as an athletic guy. Growing up with a disability in an overprotective family will do all

Sometimes I just find a piece of art, be it writing, music, a drawing or anything else that just gives me soooo much life that I can live of that euphoria for an entire day. I'm scared that I'll lose that ability with meds.

That's actually my favourite opener on stage:
Hi guys, I'm Eddie Ramirez and I do stand up…
Only the brave ones will laugh at that one! I always have to warm the crowd up to my self-deprecating sense of humor.

oh absolutely. People always think I'm not interested in what is happening around me, when it's just my brain that's zoning out.
I also have these moments when I catch myself thinking, "how are they so focused all the time?"
Thanks man, tbh a lot of the time I don't know how I do it.

Thanks a lot Asiyah. That's exactly why I love "coming" here. It really is an internet-haven. :-)

thanks LMNOP, I'm very curious as to how it will affect me. I can't wait to have my *ish together

Thanks a lot Val! I mostly joke about stupid stuff people say to disabled people and racism in switzerland - Surprise, surprise, Swiss people all think it doesn't exist… (they always bring up their "neutrality" and "objectivity to deflect accusations - I'll post a clip if I ever do subtitles for one or if I ever film

Hi guys, I've mostly been luking around here and enjoying all the articles and the conversations they generate.

This is so ON POINT! May I quote you?

*Whiteness protection program. Fixed that typo for you.

Dang, it's so frustrating and I am so sorry you have to go through that

oh my god this is so adorable! <3

I love every single one of those replies equally! You guys just made my day! <3