
Reminder that the Democrats had nothing to do with the mass demonstrations.

> Their asses are so cooked in 2018.

Yep. These pricks didn’t even pay the girls’ father a dowery.

Not only that. In so-called “school choice” districts, the other school is usually a parochial school. If parents don’t take the voucher, it’s spun as “’those people’ not wanting what’s best for their kids.”

He’s been spearheading any meaningful Senate opposition, you numbskull.

You know what? Fuck the unions. They voted for this fucker. Lay in your bed now, cucks.

How stupid are you?

> Citizens United? It’s hear to stay.

>You know what I respect? The Constitution

Can you add any more contempt for poor people in that post?

90% of Sanders voters voted for Clinton. Are you going to blame Berniebros, fake news, or Russian hackers for Clinton failing to appear even once in Wisconsin or Michigan?

There was a cartoon about this in 2006, after W built the fence.

Is he going to go back to comparing those uppity black people to Hitler?

This bill’s cosponsor, Trent Franks, had his kids via IVF and surrogacy.

And yet here you are, blaming others for your candidate’s failure.


Oh no won’t somebody think of the poor banks!

It must really suck to have your day-to-day activities inconvenienced huh

That’s not a very high bar.

No Malcolm Gladwell?