
Rutgers undergrad here. Thanks to yet another increase in campus fees and tuition, I was forced to commute this year. The best part is that RU is roughly $26k/year, in-state, if you live on campus! The Christie administration also managed to both bloat the school with administrators and cut its budget every year!

Legitimately worried about how this will affect UT’s rape statistics.

Tony and the police have a lot in common — killed people and had the just us system cover for it.

Good for Kap.

I’m going to be writing an opinion column for my school’s newspaper this year, and I honestly look forward to angry e-mails and Discus comments.


She allegedly planned to leave him that day. We know what happened and why he did it.

>I refuse to vote for a man who mocks the disabled and is a racist who plays footsie with the KKK.

Being a rich white parent sure sounds fun!

Twitter enables neo-nazis and refuses to delete their accounts. This is hardly shocking, sadly.

Evangelicals loved Ted Cruz because he promised to more-or-less start a nuclear war.

And to think, this all started because some fratboi was chapped that his paw paw couldn’t topple some random guy’s regime.