Not today, Satan.

It’s important to note that Daesh is a loose acronym but also a play on words in Arabic -an insulting term that originated amongst Syrians. The group calling itself the Islamic State hates that term. Furthermore, using ‘Daesh’ undermines the aspirations of the terrorist group to be recognized as a caliphate and state.

Call me cynical, but the only thing surprising about that (it’s shocking, yes, but not surprising) is that the teenager share of the terrorist population isn’t well over 50%. Add testosterone poisoning to underlying conditions of youthful disaffection and anomie (in alienated social groups, no less) and you basically

Or the terrorist attack in Baghdad?

Are you folks going to report on the Beirut ISIL attacks or just the ones in France?

The zoo one’s are pretty cool too.

A great many women who want abortions are not able to get them. All those TRAP laws have closed down clinics, imposed massive restrictions, and tricked women into going to nonmedical crisis-pregnancy centers, which in turn trick them into waiting long enough that they’re no longer eligible to get the abortion.

They didn’t know they weren’t protected.

Abstinence is the only effective form of birth control? They’re saying this so close to Christmas?

Which is so confusing, because on the other side, these women could have had abortions and wouldn’t have to spend the time and money raising children to adulthood, but they would have been as equally demonized (more likely even more so).

I recently saw another news report where a guy was hit by a sliding glass door on

Not telling them which lots were affected and placing the placebo week on a week that indicates you’re getting actual birth control are huge problems; even if the pills were different colors, it’s possible the person wouldn’t know the reason why or which color is which (for example, I’ve never used the pill-if it was

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you only put 21 pills in the box and let users sort out the 7-day stretch for themselves. That way, they’re all the same and you can take them in whatever order you want.

*puts tin foil hat on*

Seriously? Those people are THE WORST and you should probably go on a murder spree.

I have had terrible people on my news feed soooooo offended because children are a BLESSING FROM GOD and HOW DARE THESE WHORES SUE ONLY ABSTINENCE WORKS. *ragestroke*

Gee, that ‘g’ in goodwill looks familiar.

One more that just blew my mind.

I hate engagement photos. HATE THEM.

THE T’s! They are little people holding a chip over the i, whose dot is a bowl of salsa!


Baskin Robbins’ logo escaped me for the longest time. Then it was “Oh, BR 31”

Did you ever notice the Tostitos logo is two people sharing a bowl of dip?