The Rolistes Podcast

One should not speak ill of the recently deceased, so instead, I’ll say something nice.

I’ll be honest... I watched the first episode.  I was looking for a Willow show, not a “here’s a bunch of noble kids from the adults in the original movie” show.  And when Davis didn’t show up until the last few seconds, I was kinda done.

I have it a shot but it was Not Good. It just get so off, and even Willow didn’t seem like himself. It was like a bad CW show that didn’t even try to entertain.

The aesthetics and tone just didn’t fit with the setting established by the movie. They tried to make it way too much like the MCU, right down to the way they used music and the credits.

Seems like a no-brainer to bring it back in animation. And Warwick deserves to do some acting in his jammies anyway.

My husband and I desperately wanted to like this show as we loved the old movie having both grown up watching it. But the show just never seemed to figure out what it wanted to be, where they wanted to go w/ the characters, or the plot much less. Many of the main characters, including Willow, just annoyed me,

But replace the charm of The Princess Bride, with the post-Whedon era-CW template.

I’m not surprised. I didn’t love the show, but I did like the characters. The show just got messier as it went along. I do wish they would have done at least a movie for D+ to wrap up the lingering plot threads left, but if the viewership isn’t there, I get not continuing.

I had no idea where they were going to go with this anyway, and it looks like they didn’t either.

I wanted to like this show so much, I stuck it out til the end, but overall I just couldn’t get into it. I didn’t like basically any of the directions they went.

I watched the first episode and described it to my wife as if “Willow were made by the CW”.

I mean, yeah. It was cute, but in a very CW kind of way. Also, after all this time, still making Willow a bit of a buffoon and not an older, wiser person. Also, what even happened in that show, completely unmemorable

I love it when prestige actors are like “look, I’ll take the cash with no shame, wtf is this movie about”

Best one was Michael Caine on Jaws 4 “I loved it, it paid for my moms house”

Snyder truly wasted Shannon’s talents. (pretty much wasted everyone’s talents with his DC films. Casting wasn’t the issue it was the writing. A Jesse Eisenberg Luthor could have gone well if he was written to be more like the comics Luthor (a la Clancy Brown Jon Cryer interpretations) and less...whatever he was in

Now I know that at times Lando is morally grey, but overall, I’d call him a good guy, and dude can rock a cape.

They managed to make a better Justice League film (Crisis on Earth X) than the actual Justice League film that came out the same month, for less than the cost of an episode of WandaVision. The Arrowverse wasn’t always perfect, sometimes it was very, very far from it, but when it got things right...

Guggenheim is incredibly focused on the fact that his work has, for the most part, been ignored by Hollywood. Which sucks, yeah, but it really feels like Guggenheim might be better served by creating original work instead of playing in someone else’s sandbox. But, he also managed to spend a decade making incredibly

TV magic? I bet everyone will know English in post-apocalyptic France too

Feh. Let’s stop pretending. People will watch this no matter how little sense it makes. For instance, where did trash go after the apocalypse? You can’t walk a block without seeing hundreds of pounds of empty McDonald’s fries containers, run-over plastic bottles, store bags, and paper receipts. But everywhere is

Will it be good, no, but falling back on the ‘television amnesia is basically magic’ trope is hardly jumping the shark compared to everything else the TWD Universe has already done.