Roland Tembo

The DCCC is a complete disaster. Trump is their fault entirely. Why? Because the Democratic leadership has spent decades ingratiating itself with the rich and the legalized bribery that campaign contributions bring.

How many times must this man verbally insult, abuse, and denigrate people of color, before white people get it?”

This movie is hardly alone in the crowd of 80's comedies that include rape/sexual assault as a joke. The culture has shifted a lot in 40 years and there are precious few comedies from that era that don’t make me uncomfortable on a rewatch now.  It’s really no wonder that so many Hollywood bigwigs are getting caught up

Shhh...  the less actual president things he does, the better off we probably are.

The problem with the thinking is twofold: 1) Impeachment is a political process and not a criminal process so it would be hard for Trump to argue double jeopardy & 2) A president can be impeached for reasons that are not a violation of federal criminal statutes. So, even if double jeopardy did apply, the house can

Nota legal scholar so I guess I should hesitate to push back on this, but impeachment inquiries aren’t like...a criminal proceeding. It’s hard for me to understand how they can be part of the double jeopardy stuff, especially because a lot of laws he's breaking won't be part of them.  

Except Marvel pushed them as a superteam to replace the X-Men in the comics and tried to make a show all about them functioning as a team that sucked harder than a Hoover in a black hole. You do realize that that’s what the author is talking about, right?

Have ANY X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance games had interesting puzzles or interesting levels? They’ve ALL been brawlers where 85% of the game is enjoying the power-trip and 15% is unlocking new characters.  I don’t understand what makes this one worse to you in some way?

Whatever you’re paying that graphics guy, it’s not enough. 

All establishments are hated.

As a Bears fan living in NJ, missing a Bears game is no big deal because I can just watch them all play again 4 years later as Jets.

I mean I genuinely don’t think Mueller really cares about helping the Democrats

I kinda enjoy seeing him so frightened that he’s pissing his twitter. Granted, this isn’t going to amount to anything but he’s always amusing when he’s squealing like a pig.

He should switch his accountant. 

I hope he beats this 

So he thought they had given him the starting job, only to have the team take it back? There should be a term for that kind of giving.

Nearly everyone restaurant in Chicago that isn’t a national chain cuts its thin crust pizza into squares.  This is the proper way to cut pizza.

I love boxing, but boxing probably shouldn’t be a thing.

People were definitely aware of the odor. Council Bluffs is my hometown and, while I haven’t lived there in decades, I still have ties to the community. There’s been a lot of talk about the odor of that store — even my old bff talked about it. A lot of people said the odor caused them to not shop there. You kind of