She should, but she lays out a financial and personal situation that makes it unlikely she wins against a massive media conglomerate
She should, but she lays out a financial and personal situation that makes it unlikely she wins against a massive media conglomerate
I think this logic is faulty, for the same reason the logic that Hilary should have beat Trump was faulty. Bernie (or anyone in the field really) has his own issues, but the belief that the same people Biden is counting on are going to vote the same way they poll has already done enough damage
“No crazy. You’re the crazy”
Power corrupts. That’s something that needs to and can be accounted for, but if it was a good enough reason not to create power structures in the first place we’d still be living in caves
People who share this viewpoint become senior staff because people who lack it get drummed out over time
You’re right, but at the end of the day the people believing this shit are making that choice for themselves. I sympathize with feeling negative about the healthcare system, but endangering your children and other people to meet a personal or political need means you forfeit the benefit of the doubt
You’re making the point, not me. I’m just saying the point you are making betrays some fucked up priorities that you should reconsider. Why would you assume this is the only case? There are other cases in “related stories”
Really? You “dunno” about that one? One is exploitation of a child, literally anything else is a lesser priority
“Why would I go to a zoo to see a bear when I could just wander around the woods and see if I can find one? I know a guy who saw a bear in the woods once, and he turned out fine. Big Zookeeper is just messing with your head”
A college athlete is an adult doing a job, they’re just being denied status as an employee. A better example is a child actor, but without any of the established roles, rules and laws in place to keep the working child safe. Considering how often those protections are inadequate to prevent abuse already, YouTube is…
I would much rather vote for the dude dropping foreskin hot takes left and right than any guy who interacts with Ben Shapiro voluntarily
She’s the wrong kind of liar for an entertaining read though, I’m imagining Mary Sue fanfic-quality prose about how normal and competent her boss was while she was so busy respecting herself all the time.
The really fucking stupid part of all this: purposefully infecting your children just the most dangerous and uncomfortable way to accomplish exactly what vaccines are meant to.
Her credibility is completely shot among the literate, do they give out multi-million dollar deals for picture books?
He was obviously trying to say: “Good leaders manipulate people’s worst impulses and exploit whatever vulnerabilities they can find to achieve their personal goals no matter the human cost or actual merit of the goals themselves.”
Her husband hates the guy, no one respects the work she does and she’s been repeatedly outed as the source of countless “Unnamed White House Officials” articles. It’s one thing to debase yourself out of ambition, but where the hell is the next rung up in this situation?
Dude on the right in the header image looks like if Chris Evans’ brother dealt weed
Tiffany Nicole deserves all the bullshit she’s about to eat for that horrible message. It’s Miss Piggy, for fuck’s sake. It’s like people have no decency any more
Um, are we completely forgetting he went to Harvard? Obviously he’s a competent, pragmatic genius or they never would have accepted that $2.5m bribe from his dad
Your user name and your comment go very well together