
"Meanwhile, it's time to mourn, with a Caprica marathon."

@LusipherPE: Then go ahead and pathetically laugh. No one here will stop you, though they might be amused.

@Roklimber: Since this thread has generated more posts than I had intended or anticipated, allow me to attempt to bring it to a close by quoting the Random House Dictionary definition of plagiarism:

@Agrippa: Absolutely awesome.

@Tonttunator: I believe only special groups - like NASA, TED or gapminder - can do it. The vast majority of people are still allowed only 10 minutes per video, I think.

I vaguely recall the story of some kid who, in his/her college application essay, wrote something along the lines of "Everything the pencil wrote here, the eraser has erased" and was accepted on the basis of his/her creativity.

@tooji: I disagree, and I'm not. The way I see it, acknowledging someone's tip is a matter of common courtesy and has nothing to do with using another person's words as your own which, the last time I checked, is a big no-no.

Rosling has become one of my heroes. I love his TED talks.

"No, this isn't a black hole sucking Earth up."

@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: Indeed it doesn't. I can't recall what the correct name is, but it is something similar in spelling, as I recall. Thanks for the correction.

@Shinju001: I stand corrected, but only partially. :)

@Shinju001: If I'm correct in what I said earlier, then you'd have to be anywhere on the intersection of the plane of the ecliptic with the Earth's surface.