
@ElimGarak: Excellent points. I think that, at the end of the day, Caine and the others got lazy and thought that they'd be cared for and saved on a daily basis by the aliens or god or whatever. When that didn't happen and they had to get their butts off their seats, it was too late. If you're right and that's the direction the show is going, then I'm signing off. I had enough of god, angels, and god-did-it faith crap in BSG and Caprica.

"maybe they want us all to get into a big debate of logic versus science, but in the end of this episode it seemed pretty clear that science had won."

This was a terrible episode, indeed. I'm beginning to think that I should not have spent the time I spent watching the first 8 episodes a couple of days ago.

@ezacharyk: Presumably, each of them reacts differently to the compound in the lip gloss. After all, they have different genomes and different powers. It's not a big stretch (within the context of the show) to imagine that each of them has their own kryptonite.

Yeah, the hospital scenes were ludicrous at best, but what made this episode pretty good in my view was JJ's rise to the occasion.

"And no, I'm afraid this won't help you: 1) turn your best friend gay, or 2) turn your sister into a vicious attack animal. Human sexual and attack behaviors are a lot more complicated than those of fruit flies, though I know sometimes that's hard to believe."

@polle404: Did you live in, or near, Helsingør? It's a truly beautiful little town, in my opinion. I've been there once, when I went to visit the Kronborg castle.