
@Willowroot: Ah, so not a native speaker then. No matter, even cooler.

"You'll occasionally read a comment by a physicist saying that in many ways it would be more interesting if we didn't find the Higgs. The implication is that if we do find it, then we'll have solved all of the big mysteries."

Rama (as Ramachandran is often called) has given some of the best TED talks I've seen.

@Willowroot: Ah, thanks for the expert input. It's much appreciated.

I couldn't agree more with all your points.

Now playing

"Though you're born with an entirely sterile digestive tract"

Very interesting article, Annalee. It may as well be the most interesting article you've written for io9 so far, in my opinion.

@Obi-Haiv: Yes, we're looking into that lady as well. I'm telling you, ever since we discovered how to manipulate timelines, the demand for technicians has increased 10,000-fold and we just don't get enough people that are well trained anymore. As a result, there are all these screw-ups polluting various timelines.

Alternate reality my ass.

I thought a particularly interesting moment of the episode was when Chuck said that he's a spy and Sarah vehemently denied it, only to add - a bit too late - 'not right now.'

@mipakr: OMG, that's hilarious.

@Steve Williams: That sounds like a concrete solution to a concrete problem.