
Actually, there are two humunculi.

@kidentropia: Your post summarizes quite well how I feel about this show.

@ElimGarak: He did. He even asked his mom "how would I know?" and she said "he could have told you", to which he said "how could he have told me every little thing I know about Eli?" but she still didn't buy it, until the trip to Destiny.

"SGU breaks open the space drama we've been waiting for"

@krn: Agreed on all counts.

Yeah, ok, right, hm-hmm, sure...

I think Morgan is the one who stole the episode. He's probably the character with the most improvement in the show, and this episode shows it well.

@geesejuggler: Same here. To me, it was Morgan who stole the episode, not Casey.

Here are some more examples of fractals: