
@Log1c: Much happened in season 2 and it ended in a pretty cool way. Then season 3 started very strongly. I won't tell you more so as not to spoil your fun of watching it, but I'll say this: you won't be disappointed if you keep watching and catch up.

Also, for those interested, Merlin season 3 started a full week ago so there have already been 2 episodes, and they're pretty strong.

@jackdavinci: What you're proposing wouldn't last. If it did, you'd have created a perpetual-motion machine, which would thus violate the second law of thermodynamics.

"Both of these would be elementary particles, specifically gauge bosons like the photon, gluon, and W and Z bosons. In other words, they would mediate fundamental properties of the universe. For the Higgs boson, that property is mass, and for the graviton, that property is (unsurprisingly) the gravitational force."