
The spider woman is this woman from the original concept art. Different from the Quadruped tank. 

CTF is my jam tho. As for balance, it looks like we will have the chance to tweak until we get it right. Even better, they’ll be collecting data on what works from what people do, so maybe we can get to balance if we’re not there already.

Now playing

As a once resident of Cobb County and current resident of neighboring Fulton County, I assure everyone that Cobb County Enforcement does not give a shit about who lives in your house or what you do there, as long as you aren’t causing a disturbance. The issue here is they pissed off a ranking member of their

Disagree. My favorite is hearing Hanzo, Mei, or Zarya use their ult only for it to never actually appear. Why? Defense matrix.

Sometimes it works, though. Like when a team is being more-or-less carried by one or two really good players, singling that person out and Ult’ing them to ensure their death can turn the tide.

Or it’s that one bastard that just. Won’t. Die. Like they keep narrowly escaping death only to get healed up and charge back

Honestly this is one of the first times I’ve seen a Sailor Moon sleeve that didn’t look horrendously tacky

So i’m the guy that did a solid 80% of the construction on SL: Midgar. It was a constant labor of love, and i’m really happy to see you guys taking a look at it. It’s a wonderful place, filled with wonderful people.

Yeah I didnt like this either. I want my normal Snacktaku sans Cecilia. No offense.

Glad they added Turok mode

Teleporter neck.

Does anyone else get the feeling that FF XV is either going to totally awesome or a trainwreck?

...oh, it’s magic...

“Oh I totally want more Zubats and Drowzees!”

Now playing

The original video, where you can see the Triforce floating with a good angle of view:

Someone had a good idea for buffing his ult on the overwatch forums.

But you can write some shitty words and call it a comment.

A much appreciated level-headed response.

Sounds like a lot of people have come down with a severe case of “Jellyosis”

Great game. It was the perfect balance between serious and absurd. After this game the series became just overly absurd and lost it’s way.