
I’ve been itching to check out the main series also after playing Heroes.

I wonder if we’ll be able to see much further than the barrel of our gun? :D


Ahhhh, I knew I’d seen him before!

YES! I haven’t played this one, looking forward to adventuring with my son :D

I’ve been watching this game being developed for a long while now, it just gets better and better. Can’t wait for release!

Ok, yes I have the one you start with (2 stars?) but like you I haven’t gotten one from the summoning stone.

I’m glad there wasn’t a bow user series of quests because I HAVEN’T GOTTEN A SINGLE ONE! 51 heroes in and no a single bow to be seen. Though I have 6 gold so that isn’t so bad...

No doubt

Proof that even the most talented stylists can’t pull off Yugi’s hair.

I gotta say, personally I had horrific luck with the loot boxes for this event, any legendaries I did get were mostly regular legendary skins. Disappointing :(

Not going to argue whether the CTF mode is balanced or not, but my friends and I have had so much fun with that mode, I’m glad to see it won’t be leaving forever.

Now playing

Here’s a video showing all the new skins/emotes/highlights etc, just skip to the 5 minute mark (unless you want to watch unboxing Lunar Loot Boxes).

I should try and find some sort of play order list before KH3 comes out so I can figure out what the heck is going on with the story

I just played this for the first time today, went in knowing almost nothing aside from it was pretty and “what No Man’s Sky should have been” (a friend’s review).

I bought a PS3 for FFXIII Versus...

I hope bans are coming, even if they’re just temporary.

It’s incredible how many people you can goad into firing their ult when losing a 1 on 1 encounter somewhere. It’s always such a waste!

I play tons of 3v3 and hate this so much. Report everyone who pulls this crap.

Yep! The article gets reposted every couple of months too, people recognise her for the tattoo :)