
Man, I think some of this stuff walks a very fine line. I'm not necessarily defending Rollins, and some of what he says may go a step too far, but I get a lot of what he's saying. Suicide is not something to be condoned or rationalized. It's possible to be of the mind where you understand how someone who is dealing

My point is that, similar to Cage or even DeNiro, Depp is a solid enough actor, and has proven himself as talented in too many other vehicles, for me to think it's reasonable to simply right off any movie that casts him in a major role.

Why is the fact that he made some shitty movies relevant to the quality of any future projects he undertakes? John Travolta and Micky Rourke made some absolutely shit movies—and, in Travolta's case, I've never been a huge fan of his body of work as a whole. That doesn't mean the Wrestler and Pulp Fiction weren't

Well… You could give it to Good night, and Good Luck or Capote that year even if you hated BBM. I'd say even Munich is leaps and bounds better than Crash, but I feel Munich would have ended up somewhere on this list if picked as well.

I think ordinary people has held up pretty well, actually. The concept of the vapidness of suburban life, mixed with the inability to deal with tragedy, has been done better, but just because something was a catalyst for ideas other films elevated to greater heights doesn't diminish something like ordinary people in

That every single person on this list didn't say "Crash" first, followed by their second pick, is a travesty.

Plus, bands are required to sign a non-compete contract with Lolla stating they will not play within X number of miles (it extends far enough to kill St Louis and Milwaukee shows) for something like 6 months after Lolla. Lolla has waived that in the past, but I doubt they would do so for a show literally a few weeks

Maybe Spielberg should start his own studio.  Oh wait, he already fucking did.