
Also donate. I received these super awesome Japanese sewing books for Christmas....and then I found out that I am a giant compared to Japanese people...and in the process of trying to upsize the patterns, I have made a few super cool things that need to be donated to a person 3"- 4" shorter and 20 lbs skinnier.

Give it to your local thrift shop or donate it to a charity. It’ll look good on someone.

Same with this fat fuck. <3



You know, you have every right to dislike the guy, and dislike his work. Many people do. I’m not much of a fan of a lot of his stuff, enjoy some of his other stuff, don’t think much of the guy as a person. However, he does work really hard as a content creator, and has for a few decades. Even with the podcasts, think

Besides the fact that graphic novels are grueling and time intensive, you really seem to think the only life worth having involves working yourself to death.

Please. Woman here who is proud to work in the comic industry. Take you snobbery and go read a graphic novel because you’re severely misinformed about who should be reading comics, and at what age you should stop. Here’s a hint, it’s the same age you should give up on reading. Perhaps you’ve already done that and

Placing the blame for drawn out wars on the public rather than politicians in bed with the military industrial complex is fucking absurd.

Who on earth else would it be? Do you really think it’s just some kind of weird coincidence that she was targeted for harassment? That some random person with no agenda just randomly decided to use a GG tactic to harass and threaten a woman that is trying to make that tactic a crime? Occam’s Razor, dude. GG


Yes, they are two different things. So are arsenic and cyanide. I don’t understand how vapour not actually being smoke makes it a healthy thing or even more likely to be a healthy thing. People are right to be concerned about the possibility of health risk. That’s not saying vapour=smoke. That’s recognizing that more

I should have anticipated that this subject would bring out the Brotaku knuckledraggers in force. They’d better batton down the hatches on these comments. A fucking shitstorm of whiny man-babies is about to descend.

There’s no evidence to say that it’s safer, and no regulation as to what’s in it. The few medical studies that have been published are concerning, especially with regards to the propellants (the problem with PG is not actually nonsense) and the second hand exposure levels. You might be right; it might eventually be

Okay, maybe it was the pregnancy hormones racing through my system, but I was literally crying this weekend while reading more and more about the state of choice in America. This is my first pregnancy, and it was my choice to keep this pregnancy. My choice. This pregnancy is handing me my ass, and I can’t even imagine

Don’t you just love it that the anti-choice movement chooses random developmental milestones to tug at people’s heartstrings? A heartbeat at 6 weeks means very little (nothing really) in terms of viability or the elusive beginning of life. GTFO with this sappy shit.

“BTW, ‘rabid’ isn’t always negative”

Stats of women and men murdered at all? What are you talking about?

Again, statistics do not back up your claim:

I recently took up biking after 19 years of not being on a bike. I live by a bike trail. I do 10-15-20-25 mile trips every week I can in that order, with an overall average speed of 19mph. I bike in addition to Crossfit and figure skating. Even given my level of fitness, I don’t really know why you are saying 20 miles