
Yeast are single celled fungus, other forms of fungus can be multi cellular, so they arent the same thing, despite being in the same kingdom. Elephants and mice are both in ‘Animalia’, but it isnt unreasonable to identify them more specifically than as ‘2 animals’.

Latino involvement in presidential politics is always a good thing. Hillary is far from a real ally to the Latin@ community, all things considered. But since she’s the likely Democratic nominee, her ability to excite those voters and help encourage bigger turnout is a good thing no matter what.

Why should Smaug, who constitutes less than a tenth of 1% of Middle Earth’s population, possess 50% of the gold?

After looking at this, there was no boss I didn’t hate. But I do detest that pinwheel(?) skeleton.

Cheerios still greater than everything. Followed very closely by Quaker Oatmeal Squares.

That is not a porpoise.

Humanity came from Africa, and we are very destructive.

UK social worker here. Your comment stigmatises the mentally ill and is factually incorrect. Most cases of so-called witchcraft abuse occur in communities where learning disabilities are poorly understood, and in cultures where common childhood difficulties are heavily moralised, leading to a vicious cycle of abuse

I prefer my coffee with heavy cream or hazelnut creamer. I drink it black because I drink a lot of it and also like to zip my pants.

Of course he makes more than Ocean. Of course.

It makes me so sad how people judge these things so hard. It’s the appropriate way to get all Mean Girl about what people like, without being outed as judgy and outright mean.

This is so sad. In 1978, I was one of two adopted babies allowed out of India. The adoption was through Missionaries of Charity. Given the long-ingrained contempt of women and girls in some aspects of Indian culture, to think that that many more children won’t be helped (mostly girls) is heartbreaking.

They were actually perfectly in line with my views on guns. Everyone should be able to own muskets. The right to keep and bear muskets should not be abridged. It’s all the fuckers since them who’ve failed to update the law.

Every day, 297 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention.

You forgot #6 Be prepared to go to court and repay her for her belongings. (It turns out being mad does not give you a right to destroy the property of the person you are mad at.)

Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.

Oh hey, welcome to our town! Been living here five years with my wife and we love it. (Make sure to hit the Book Table on Lake, across from the movie theater; love that store).

You can also do a walking tour for free if the paid tour isn’t in your budget. The neighborhood is full of interesting architecture (don’t forget to see FLW’s Unity Temple) and some of the homes have placards outside that detail their history!

Yes. Absolutely. And what a wonderful neighborhood to live in!