Damn...give me that in a 17" Macbook Pro and I'm sold.
Damn...give me that in a 17" Macbook Pro and I'm sold.
That's all well and good but she still won't sleep with you. And IMHO, not having Julianne Hough in there is a travesty.
I really really wish DirecTV would get more real content and ditch the hundreds of g*ddamn shopping and infomercial channels. Really really really.
I talked to these guys a few weeks ago. The damn thing costs around $7000. I, for one, prefer good old-fashioned things that go bang.
Well, if you're Elisha Cuthbert and you happen to wander into a town where everyone's been turned into a wax statue...
Oh great...that'll fit nicely on my bookshelf. Sometimes, high-art industrial design doesn't take the real world into account.
It's the Room of Requirement. Sort of. #awe
How about a version of this for Mac users? Oh wait, Mac users NEVER look at pr0n. #windows
@Sir Gibler: Then it's hilarious. #electrolux