
When I (an African American) started researching Clinton and Sanders, I started with their national campaign staffs. Clinton lives the talk as shown by her diverse (men, women, white, black, latino) staff in Senior Policy and Nat’l Field Director positions. Sanders is bullshitting - the only senior African American

Love her music and will definitely check out the documentary. Thanks for the link!

I get your frustration but Shepherd’s case is less like adoption and more akin to sperm donation. The dad’s sperm and a donor’s egg made this baby. Dad has the child he wanted and apparently loves. So long as the child isn’t fed stories about abandonment, etc. he/she will have the usual questions about his/her donor

$50,000??!! That just...I can’t...what the fuq! Forget retiring eventually. You can’t pay all the bills even if you do a film every year.

Wendy’s husband was also sued for sexual harassment by an employee back in 2008. I’m sure Wendy decided video was necessary at least that far back.

Thanks, I wasn’t familiar with the backstory. I get why she may have lied in the deposition but, damn, that was her best chance to get out of her Sony contract. Now it’s a long shot.

Those depositions will haunt Kesha since they were under oath. If the prior lawsuit where she was deposed was brought by someone alleging sexual abuse by Dr. Luke, then I’m less sympathetic to her even though I know abuse victims will often lie about whether abuse occurred.

Just bought mine! Buyer’s name: Donald Trump.

Well, all assault charges aren’t created equal(ly). So there’s that. Also, it’s not either “hang ‘em high” or a slap on the wrist. Life and the law are more nuanced than you that.

Exactly. Take a picture, then put the fucking phone DOWN, morons!

At 7 months, so many babies can be born premature and survive. I’m comfortable calling it murder in the third trimester. But any earlier and it starts to get into dicey territory.

I’m in a similar boat - irregular periods, took 6 mos. to get pregnant, which is pretty good since I’m over 40 but then I miscarried at 8 weeks. Trying again now (still using clear blue easy ov. kit).

Listening to the audio confirmed that Kanye is mentally ill. I can’t bring myself to laugh at or criticize him. If I were Kim, I’d be very concerned.

Yeah, the parents must be involved, right? How is he leasing a medical office?!!! Why/how does he have fake medical staff? I’m kinda impressed by this kid’s hustle. But Doogie probably needs mental care.

Thanks!! If the funk returns, I’ll try it out.

I had a yeast overgrowth under my boobs that took me a long time to figure out. An hour after showering I smelled like a fart. 2 weeks of jock itch cream was all it took to cure it. People from warmer climes can have similar yeast overgrowth that’s impervious to showers and good hygiene.

Also, modern soap is quite different than old timey soap.

I also love being alone. Fiance is my first roomate as an adult and god damn is it an adjustment! The most annoying thing he does?? A few times a day, he peeks into whatever room I’m in just to see what I’m doing. Just looks and walks away. Actually makes me want to scream.

He can start in his own backyard. His campaign leadership is basically white men. Too many experienced and exceptional women, African Americans and Latinos in the US for this to happen in 2016.

How dare Latinos stand in solidarity with each other!!!1!