
I have a phobia of getting herpes, so if it tests for that and AIDS, I'd be all over it.

I dated a guy with two kids, went to his teen's school play, his cousin introduced herself. When I told her my name she said "oh, you're Eva's mom!" Who the hell is EVA?! Turns out dude had a third child. Gets worse...he tells me a DNA test when Eva was 3 proved he was not the baby daddy. I said cool, call the

Do they "wrench" out the washcloth when they're done...cuz that's what my mom does.

While we're at it, let's close all fast food drive-thru windows since eating while driving is a huge distraction.

I totally agree..seems teen girls would benefit from seeing this. We sometimes have weird ideas about what's normal...and heaven help folks so influenced by porn that they think only a couple of narrow vulva/boob/etc. types are "good" or pretty.

I found myself searching the pics for the one shaped most like mine! Match the vulva! this fool serious?! I need to know more about him. If he's leading a mega church, he is dangerous.

Bingo! I saw a young black bear at a camping site at Shenandoah Nat'l Park. As I scurried away in fear, parents were walking toward the bear to get a closer look/take pics with their KIDS in tow. When did humans become so stupid?

Nope, it's not SOP at THIS theater...I've been to this exact theater for multiple sold out shows (including a violent film) and there was NO beefed up security.

Yep. I've been to that theater many times, including multiple sold out shows during the beefed up security. I won't be returning thanks to this bullshit.

Mama June, is that you???

I've been vegetarian for 20 years and I've never heard of Beyond Meat...but I'm on the case now!!

Yeah, I'm unclear about this. Seems illegal to force victims to only proceed with claims through a university process. These rapists need to be in criminal court.

The kid just doesn't learn...but will still graduate magna cum laude.

Seriously! I mean, damn...folks explaining the difference between a genius and a prodigy, shitting on mere memorization skills, etc. I normally live for the comments but wish I hadn't even scrolled down for this article. Anyway, go Anala!!!

I'm pretty sure I was in her FIRST Civil Procedure course at Georgetown Law. Too bad we didn't get a big dose of her stances at that time...but she was a solid prof. Proud to see her on a larger stage.

Your butt had an orgasm! Thanks for the laugh.

PLEASE let him shoot himself in the face while cleaning this very gun. PLEASE.

What do you find worrisome about the proposed law? Most children will wonder about and wish they could meet their bio dad. When that moment arrives, this would allow for contact. Doesn't appear to give donors any custody rights...though "right to contact" may be interpreted as the right to contact in person (i.e.

Sounds like a great idea. Ultimately, it's the CHILD'S need/desire (or lack thereof) to meet their bio dad that should govern how to proceed. Hopefully, more donors will opt for "open" donation.