
The biggest disappointment of the last two seasons is that Melisandre and Jon never boned. And now she's exiled! Complete missed opportunity.

She'll end up with the Brotherhood most likely

Qyburn always hated him particularly, I think he wanted to be absolutely sure he died in front of him.

I still don't understand why people think that Jon being the son of Rhaegar is so important. Isn't the whole point of this show that line of succession is pretty much dumb and meaningless? It's about who plays the game the best, the game of thrones?

Yesss!! A royal wedding- Cersei in a black wedding dress, I can't wait!

You know it's a great episode when there are so many great moments you can't remember them all, like the fate of the Faith resting on Lancel and him failing because he was stabbed by a child. And that rogue bell just crushing people.

Charging headlong into certain defeat, being unexpectedly saved by your sis, this is what in the North they call Honor! KING IN THE NORTH KING IN THE NORTH KING IN THE NORTH

It's not like it ruined the episode for me, I really enjoyed it-I think it was the best of the season.
But there was no need to have Varys on the ship at the end, it was just a little silly.

Literally the best Sam scenes ever

I like that he at least acknowledged Sansa LF were the only reason he was still alive.

God the Library was amazing! The Maesters not so much.

If they stopped in Dorne, why didn't we see any Sand Snakes on the ships? I completely agree with some of the other commenters, this seems more like a continuity error. It wouldn't be the first.

And he's the one with the victorious army right? I'd be pissed.

Yeah, I kept hoping for Loras to have his moment in the sun; they did him dirty in the end.

I didn't say she'll win, but it's not true she has no army. The big battle is Dany vs the White Walkers anyways.

It was mildly surprising because it seemed like Cersei was being outmaneuvered all season, so a good twist. I wish Margaery would have somehow survived, but this did up the importance.

Yeah, I had hoped for a some interesting intrigue where Margaery subtly works the downfall of the Faith, but it seems they didn't have time for that.

Yeah, I had a ton of complaints, even last episode was predictable and inexplicable in parts, but this finale really makes me excited about next season.

Apparently they still have over 8000 men(Jaime's army) plus whatever forces were left in King's Landing.

Why wasn't he on the ship with Dany?? You know, instead of the guy who should be in Dorne?