
The body pile was caused by ramsay shooting arrows at the middle of the field, killing both the wildlings and his own men, over and over again. So that part I get. Why some of the other Northern commanders were ok with this sadistic strategy, that I don't get. There should have been major defections

The books had a fair amount, but the show in the last two seasons has really went overboard.

I am annoyed the writers couldn't think of a halfway decent reason for her not to tell him.

Sansa used LF's creepy obsession with her, same thing

Haha I just noticed that. Amazing!

Also, Tormund costs a lot less to animate.

If only he knew the key to dodging arrows was to walk with a determined look on your face, like Jon did.

For once, it was the Mereen plot that made perfect sense and was action packed and rewarding. Ok maybe not the five harpies at the open gate, but everything else. Great team work, amazing visuals, kick ass resolution. And don't mind the dragons saving the day again at all, considering all that she has sacrificed for

Lol, bob and weave Rickon, like a gazelle!

I just feel like the writers wanted a more surprising end to the battle then, just hold out, the Vale is coming! So they forbade them from sharing vital info. They do that all the time in shows and movies and I hate it.


lol I always disliked Jon from the first book, so I do have low expectations for him.

I agree with the first part.
The second part I can't agree with… like complaining about dragons in season 6?? She lost her husband and her ability to have children to get those dragons, and has lost many allies along the way for them. She has grown in dealing with them and they are her sigil and the key asset in her

I don't think Sansa is as hardened as that. Jon should have died, and I doubt she would have considered the plan a success if he did.
And she was counseling him to wait right before the battle, you think it was reverse psychology?

That was my feeling as well. Jon seemed dumb, but the imagery, the emotion resonance, the resolution of a number of plots, all seemed worthy counter balance.

I didn't, not because I didn't care, but because I knew he had to die even before Sansa confirmed it, for the reasons she outlined. My emotional investment died with shaggy dog though

His resurrection was the least transformative experience ever.

He never actually seemed that smart, just very fortunate. You could tell the writers were contriving ways to keep him around until the big battle.

He signaled with a flare from his jet pack

Because they needed a twist!