
@ThatShortGuy: I quit before I even got to the Patron powers. I rejoined this month to try the Architect, and my friend took me through a few meow farms to get to 42, and finally get a patron. I was planning on using it to get to 50, so that I could finally experience the VEATs, but I dont have another 2 months to

If the grind wasn't so goddamn ridiculous, this would have never become a problem.

@Comatose Turtle: From the trailer, it looks like it's still a dreamcast. It would be cool if it was a 360 though.

VO:OT! Seriously cannot wait!

@whiteflea: People still play Matrix Online too. CoH is less of a stretch, especially now that it's available on Steam, and they've put in the excellent Mission Architect feature.

Last session of the beta I played was a few weeks ago, and it seemed like the game has a looooooooooooooooooo[o x 10^150]ng way to go. Some of the costume pieces are still direct rips from what they had in CoH, and the animations we less than movements, and more body parts randomly flailing around... and Im just

If Champions is released the way it is currently in Beta, CoX has nothing to worry about. And I really don't care if my beta gets banned for this, the game got uninstalled when the Champs team decided to advertise directly inside of CoX.

@Zolbrod: It was old music that fit a 40s-50s theme. Apparently old LPs are all they survived the nuclear war.

@VernonDadger: Not really. PC gamers have an equal amount of hate for MC. Mainly because the Halo franchise took everything that was good about first person shooters and watered it down to a mind numbing level.

@Delano_J: What bar did Halo raise? It's a crummy, slow first person shooter that only got a following due to the fact that a paraplegic monkey can get killing sprees in it. DoomGuy or Gordon Freeman, or hell, even Malcolm (Unreal) deserve that spot much more.

@Dizqard: With the shady business practices that Cryptic were doing to promote Champions, I want nothing of that game.

@InfernoT: There may be an arch villain NAMED Penis Monster, but this isn't spore here. You can create tons of things, but a floating dick isnt one of them.

@jamesjohnson01: Its one of the more competent MMOs I've played over the years. It's a great game if you're the kind of person who loves to identify with your MMO characters. The creation system is almost endless, and aside from Capes and Auras, is pretty much completely unlocked from the start.

My favorite had to be the Saturn classic "Matt Hazard's Hazardous 2 Your Health". It was the sequel to the original Matt Hazard game, and boy, was it gory. I loved the revolutionary analog control scheme. It was one of the few games to actually use the special analog control pad that sega put out with Nights, though

Oh lawd, here we go again! Peggle, why must you be so good?

Damn you NCSoft... making me re-up my CoV account when this comes out...

@Frank Hackett: Its probably due to the PS3 being so hard to develop for. Sony kinda dropped the ball this generation and had the most expensive console also end up being the most difficult to make games for.